Tänä vuonna tartutin Chilikuumeen siskooni, jolla nyt itää C. baccatum 'Lemon Drop' jo kolmella kauniilla chilin taimella. Se on hyvä laji sekä alkajalle että edistyneemmällekin, sama lajike tuottaa minulla 20-30 raakiletta pensaassa paraikaa ja avaa kauniita kukkiaan. Kunhan hedelmät ovat suurempia, niin laitan vielä kuvia siitä. Pensas on nyt noin 40 cm korkea, joten tuotantotulos on todellakin mainitsemisen arvoinen.
1. Flowering C. baccatum 'Lemon Drop' |
1. C. annuum 'Apache'
2. C. annuum 'Bolivian Rainbow'
3. C. annuum 'Malawi's Birds Eye'
4. C. annuum 'Goat's Weed'
5. C. annuum 'Pimenta da Neyde'
6. C. baccatum 'Lemon Drop'
7. C. chinense 'Jigsaw'
8. C. chinense 'Moruga Scorpion Trinidad'
9. C. chinense 'Charapita'
10. C. chinense '7Pot'
11. C. pubescens 'Minirocoto'
12 C. pubescens 'Turbo Pube'
Minkä mahtaa Chilipää on Chilipää. Jos COVID-19:sta takia joutuisi eristyksiin, niin onhan sitä täällä tekemistä näidenkin kanssa. Kunnon Chilipää korventaa COVID-19:sta, koko chilin hengen ja mausteisuuden herkullisuuden nimessä.
Hello! Alive & engines rouring. I wish that COVID-19 haven't come to visit you, or even if it had, then at most the mild and not dangerous version. So, how does my chilistatus quo looks like ? Thanks for asking, extremely good. This year I have coming both new and old varieties. Unfortunately, last fall several chiles died out of strange fungus disease, which I couldn't tame. Well, no worries, since the harvest was so apparent and so forth I have good seed bank.
This year I did infect my sister with a Chilifeaver to my sister who now has three C. baccatum 'Lemon Drops' seedlings growing. It is a good variety for beginner and advanged one, same variety produces about 20-30 pcs of pods at the height of 40 cm currently, which is indeed worth of mentioning.
By the way, what do I got for this year ? Well, the words most pungent monsters and most mildest delicates. Here is a little list, but not all:
1. C. annuum 'Apache'
2. C. annuum 'Bolivian Rainbow'
3. C. annuum 'Malawi's Birds Eye'
4. C. annuum 'Goat's Weed'
5. C. annuum 'Pimenta da Neyde'
6. C. baccatum 'Lemon Drop'
7. C. chinense 'Jigsaw'
8. C. chinense 'Moruga Scorpion Trinidad'
9. C. chinense 'Charapita'
10. C. chinense '7Pot'
11. C. pubescens 'Minirocoto'
12 C. pubescens 'Turbo Pube'
What can one do, Chilihead is Chilehead. If COVID-19 would cause me to be in isolation, then here is lots to do with these. A Good Chilehead burns and roastes the COVID-19 in whole spirit and spicynesses name.