Hei! Keräsin tänä vuonna ensimmäisen kerran chilifantasiani C. pubescens 'Locato':n (PI-387838) kypsää satoa. Locato on pienikokoinen rocoto johon esimerkiksi Jukka 'Fatalii' Kilpinen viittaa sanomalla että se on 'indoor rocoto' koska on saanut kyseisen rocoton tuottamaan hedelmää sisätiloissa. Se on kooltaan noin Minirocoton kokoa ja ehkä merkittävin ero Minirocotoon nähtynä on pidentynyt hedenmänmuoto ja mahdollisesti väri. Locato on peräisin Boliviasta ja kuten kunnon kasvattaja kasvatin tämänkin lajikkeen siemestä lähtien alkuun.
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Kuva 1. C. pubescens 'Locato' |
Alunperin satoa oli tulossa jota kuinkin noin 30-50 rocotoa, mutta sysyiset tuulet koettelivat Locatoa ja se pudotti valtaosan satoa ja sainkin vain noin 20 rocotoa enää kasvista ja kuvassa 2 pidänkin kädessä osaa sen sadosta jonka olen juuri tuoreeltaan kerännytkin.
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Kuva 2. Locato satoa / Locato harvest |
Tietää sitten tarkemmin seuraavalle vuodelle että kasvi vaatii hieman enemmän tuentaa, jos aikoo sadon saada siinä pysymään. Kasvin hedelmät tuottavat rocoton tavoin runsaasti tummia, tässä tapauksessa pikimustia, siemeniä ja hedelmäliha on paksua.
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Kuva 3. Joitakin halkaistuja podeja / Some sliced pods |
Pidän lajiketta ehkäpä maukkaimpana rocotona jota olen syönyt tähän mennessä ja lajikkeessa onkin capsaissiinin määrä vs. tulisuus vs. hedelmälihan määrä kohdallaan, sillä isoissa pubescenseissa tapaa olla järkyttävät määrät capsaissiiniä vs. hedelmäliha. Locato maistui jopa hieman erilaiselle kuin esimerkiksi isommat rocotot, joten unelmani osoittautui myös lajikkeeksi jota kasvatan perennialiseksi.
Leikkasin pensaan hetki sitten ja minulle paljastui, että vielä 2x lisää kookasta Locatoa löytyi sen lehvästön alta. Lajike ei vedä tuholaisia puoleensa, kasvaa ja kypsyy isoja lajikkeita nopeammin kypsäksi sekä on tuottava vaatimattomissakin olosuhteissa, joten ehdottomasti suosittelen tätä jopa ensimmäiseksi rocotolajikkeeksi kasvatettavaksi sen helppohoittoisuudenkin takia.
Hi! I collected this year the first time my chilifantacy C. pubescens 'Locato's (PI-387838) ripe harvest. Locato is a small sized rocoto to which, for example, Jukka 'Fatalii' Kilpinen refers by saying 'indoor rocoto' since he has got the rocoto to produce fruits indoors. It is about size of Minirocoto and maybe the most significant difference to Minirocoto is its elongated podshape and possibly the color of ripe pods. Locato originates to Bolivia and as a good grower I grew this from seed to beginning too.
Originally I had some 30-50 size crop of rocotos coming, but the autumnly winds tested Locato and it dropped most of its harves and I got only about 20 rocotos from the plant and in the photo 2 I hold part of its harvest in my hand that I have just freshly collected.
One knows then to next year that the plant needs little more support, if one is bound to keep the crop in the plant. The fruits of the plant produces common to rocoto dark, in this case pitch black, seeds and the fruitflesh is thick.
I maintain that the variety is, perhaps, the most tasties rocoto that I have eaten thus far and the varietys capsaicine amount vs. heat vs. amoutn of fruitflesh is in place, since in the large rocotos there tends to be devastating amounts of capsaicines vs. fruit flesh. Locato tasted little different than f. ex. largest rocotos, so my dream turned out to be also a variety that I shall grow perennial.
I cut the bush just a moment ago and it was revealed to me that there were still 2x more of sizeable Locatos underneath its leaves. The variety doesn't draw pests, grows and matures faster than the large varieties and also is productibe even in more modest conditions, so I definitely recommend this variety as even the first rocotovariety to grow because even of its easy to care.
Originally I had some 30-50 size crop of rocotos coming, but the autumnly winds tested Locato and it dropped most of its harves and I got only about 20 rocotos from the plant and in the photo 2 I hold part of its harvest in my hand that I have just freshly collected.
One knows then to next year that the plant needs little more support, if one is bound to keep the crop in the plant. The fruits of the plant produces common to rocoto dark, in this case pitch black, seeds and the fruitflesh is thick.
I maintain that the variety is, perhaps, the most tasties rocoto that I have eaten thus far and the varietys capsaicine amount vs. heat vs. amoutn of fruitflesh is in place, since in the large rocotos there tends to be devastating amounts of capsaicines vs. fruit flesh. Locato tasted little different than f. ex. largest rocotos, so my dream turned out to be also a variety that I shall grow perennial.
I cut the bush just a moment ago and it was revealed to me that there were still 2x more of sizeable Locatos underneath its leaves. The variety doesn't draw pests, grows and matures faster than the large varieties and also is productibe even in more modest conditions, so I definitely recommend this variety as even the first rocotovariety to grow because even of its easy to care.
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