Heippa kaikki! Tänä vuonna on minulla 5 lajiketta chileistä sisäkasvatuksessa ja loput ulkokasvatuksessa. Erityisesti annuum-lajin kasvit ovat vallanneet myös sisätilat - ei kai tämä chilipää pääse eroon rakkaudestaan niihin punaisiin, tulisiin paprikoihin. Kummatkin näistä kasveista saavat 2x30W Nelson Garden ES E27 kasvatusvaloja ja kylpevät noin 30-35 C asteen mikroilmastossa saaden sen lisäksi luonnollista valoa ikkunasta. Lannoitteena olen käyttänyt Nelson Gardenin Chiliravinnetta.
Erityisesti tässä kirjoitelmassa esitän kahta minulle mieluista lajiketta, joista toinen on täysin uusi minulle nimittäin C. annuum 'Goats Weed' jonka laitoin itämään 16.2.2019 ja joka sai minut juuri äsken hymyilemään sillä sen latvusto on täynnä nuppuja (kuva 2).
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Kuva 1: C. annuum 'Goats Weed' |
Goat's Weed:ä muistuttaa jokseenkin ulkonäöltään Black Cobra:a mutta mitä ilmeisemmin kysymys ei ole vain saman lajikkeen eri kauppanimestä vaan olen lukenut myös että ne eroaisivat toisistaan vaikka ovatkin hyvin saman kaltaisia. Voi hyvin ollakin, itse en ole Black Cobra:a kasvattanut.
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Kuva 2. C. annuum 'Goats Weed' |
Goats Weed on kaikin tavoin erikoinen annuum-lajike: se on ensinnäkin vähintään yhtä tiheästi karvainen kuin pubescensit ja saakin sen lehdet ja varren omaamaan jännän hopeisen sävyn johtuen karvoista. Lajikkeen podien tulisi kypsyä ensin vihreästä mustaksi ja siitä punaiseksi ja lajike on tunnettu viiltävästä tulisuudestaan sekä mausteisuudestaan.
C. annuum 'Purira' menehtyi viime vuonna mosaiikkiin ja päätinkin että tänä vuonna en ota sen kanssa minkäänlaisia riskejä ja kasvatan sen sisätiloissa sekä sadotan ainakin ensimmäisn sadon sisätiloissa. Puriran (Kuva 3) laitoin itämään 16.2.2019 ja nyt mennäänkin sitten nuppujen tuotto vaiheessa (Kuva 4) jo ja pian siis se avaa kukkansa ja siirtyy satomoodiin. Sen vieressä kasvaa C. annuum 'Barak' saaden täsmälleen samanlaista hoitoa ja lisävalaistusta kuin Purira tai Goats Weed .
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Kuva 3. C. annuum 'Purira' |
Purira tulee Meksikosta ja sen pitäisi olla kohtuullisen tulinen annuum sekä lisäksi hyvässä valossa ja lämmössä tulisi sen podien käydä läpi melkoisen erikoiset värivaihdokset peruskeltaisesta-violettiin ja sitten punaiseen. Barak on minulla verrokkina, koska sen podeilla pitäisi ilmentyä hyvässä valossa jotakin samanlaista, mutta ainakaan viimeksi sitä sadotettuani en huomannut selllaista, mutta olikin keskellä joulua ja siis talvea. Barak:a on virheellisesti siemenpaketteina frutescensina, mitä se ei edusta vaan annuumia ja sen voi tarkastaa sen kukinnoistakin. Barakia on sanottu puriratypeksi, mikä kiinnostaa, että ollako vai eikö olla kauppanimike samalle vai onko kyseessä tosiaan type. En ole vieläkään tyytyväinen testituloksiini eli kasvattamaan uudelleen vain.
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Kuva 4. C. annuum 'Purira' |
Hello All! This tear I have 5 different varieties of chiles at indoors growing and the rest at outdoors. Especially The annuum-species plants have taken over the indoors also - I guess that this chilihead never gets rid of his love to those red, pungent peppers.
Both of these plant get 2x30W Nelson Garden ES E27 plantlights and bath therefore in some 30-35 C degrees microclimate and getting in addition to that natural light from the window. As the fertilizer I have used Nelson Gardens Chilinutrient.
Especially on this essay I shall present two varieties that I like and of which one is totally new to me, namely the C. annuum 'Goats Weed' which I sow at 16.2.2019 and which made me just to smile since its top is full of buttons (kuva 2).
Goat's Weed reminds somewhat of Black Cobra by the appearance but it seems that this is not the same varietys different sale name but I have read that these two differ from each others eventhought they are much like. Might well be, I haven't grown Black Cobra myself.
Goats weed is all the way pretty special annuum-variety: it is, first of all, at least as thickly haired as are pubescenses and it makes its leaves and stem to have faschinating silvery hue due to the hairs. The varietys pods should mature from green to black to red and the variety is known of its ripping pungency and spicyness.
C. annuum 'Purira' died last year due to mosaic and I decided that this year I do not take any risks with it and I grow it indoors and also make it produce atleast to first harvest at indoors. I sow the Purira (Kuva 3) in 16.2.2019 and now we go at the button making stage (Kuva 4) and soon it will open its flowers and will transfer to harvest mode. By its side is growing C. annuum 'Barak' which gets exactly the same kind of care and additional lights as Purira or Goats Weed.
Purira comes from Mexico and its should be reasonably pungent annuum and should, in good light and heat, its pods go throught color changes from yellow-purple and then to red. Barak is here as a comparison since its should have the samekind of color play as Purira in good light but atleast at the last time I did not notice that but nowonder - it was at the middle of christmas and hence middle of winter. Barak has been errornously labeled sometimes as frutescens in seed packets of which it does not represent but annuum and it can be cheched from the flowers. Barak has been said to be puriratype, which is interesting, that to be or not to be a salename for the same variety or is it just a type. I am not yet satisfied with my test results so to grow again.
Both of these plant get 2x30W Nelson Garden ES E27 plantlights and bath therefore in some 30-35 C degrees microclimate and getting in addition to that natural light from the window. As the fertilizer I have used Nelson Gardens Chilinutrient.
Especially on this essay I shall present two varieties that I like and of which one is totally new to me, namely the C. annuum 'Goats Weed' which I sow at 16.2.2019 and which made me just to smile since its top is full of buttons (kuva 2).
Goat's Weed reminds somewhat of Black Cobra by the appearance but it seems that this is not the same varietys different sale name but I have read that these two differ from each others eventhought they are much like. Might well be, I haven't grown Black Cobra myself.
Goats weed is all the way pretty special annuum-variety: it is, first of all, at least as thickly haired as are pubescenses and it makes its leaves and stem to have faschinating silvery hue due to the hairs. The varietys pods should mature from green to black to red and the variety is known of its ripping pungency and spicyness.
C. annuum 'Purira' died last year due to mosaic and I decided that this year I do not take any risks with it and I grow it indoors and also make it produce atleast to first harvest at indoors. I sow the Purira (Kuva 3) in 16.2.2019 and now we go at the button making stage (Kuva 4) and soon it will open its flowers and will transfer to harvest mode. By its side is growing C. annuum 'Barak' which gets exactly the same kind of care and additional lights as Purira or Goats Weed.
Purira comes from Mexico and its should be reasonably pungent annuum and should, in good light and heat, its pods go throught color changes from yellow-purple and then to red. Barak is here as a comparison since its should have the samekind of color play as Purira in good light but atleast at the last time I did not notice that but nowonder - it was at the middle of christmas and hence middle of winter. Barak has been errornously labeled sometimes as frutescens in seed packets of which it does not represent but annuum and it can be cheched from the flowers. Barak has been said to be puriratype, which is interesting, that to be or not to be a salename for the same variety or is it just a type. I am not yet satisfied with my test results so to grow again.