C. Chinense "Scotch Bonnet Red" elikkä tuo Scotch Bonnet punainen versio habanerosta on alkanut tuottamaan nuppuja, joten se ennättää hyvin tämän vuoden satokaudelle. Tämänkin olen, kuten yleensäkin, kasvattanut siemenistä. Siemenet ovat peräisin Fataliilta. Täällä etelässä, Helsingissä, satokausi on tietenkin varsin pitkä ja jatkuu hyvin 10 tai jopa 11 kuulle, joten varsin vaivattomasti myöskin. Tämä "habanero" on yksi odotetuimpia tälle kesälle. Haluaisin sanoa että odotetuimpia habaneroja, mutta siitä että onko Scotch Bonnet habanero vai ei on aina kinaa jossakin päin maailmaa. Scotch Bonnet on ainakin tietynlainen pintamuoto, mutta ei kai se tee habanerosta "Ei-Habaneroa". Toisaalta Scotch Bonnetteja pidetään usein miedompina kuin tavallista vastaavaa habaneroa. Scotch Bonnet Red on ollut hyvin, hyvin hidaskasvuinen. Itse-asiassa, jopa tulisempana pidetty "Scotch Bonnet Chocolate" on ollut nopeampi kasvuinen. Muuten Scotch Bonnet on ollut vaatimaton kasvi valon, ravinnon ja veden suhteen verrattuna muihin Chinenseihin mitä minulla on ollut. Jopa kasvin taimet olivat helposti kasvavia. Scotch Bonnet Red on chili, joka sopii kenen vain habaneron ystävän ruokapöytään ja ehkäpä jopa niidenkin ruokapöytään jotka haluavat nauttia Habaneron mausta, mutta eivät niin polttavan suuresta tulisuudesta kuin mikä yleensä liittyy niihin.
Aiheesta, että onko Scotch Bonnet habanero:
Peppers: The Domesticated Capsicums, New Edition, 1995, by Jean Andrews, sivu 131:
"In 1983 when this book first went to press, the general consensus was that Scotch Bonnet was just another name for Habanero... A trip to Antigua to visit with Dr. Brian Cooper, chief agronomist with Caribbean Agricultural and Development Institute (CARDI) was well worth the effort, for he convinced me that they are two distinct cultivars."
Aiheesta, että onko Scotch Bonnet habanero:
Peppers: The Domesticated Capsicums, New Edition, 1995, by Jean Andrews, sivu 131:
"In 1983 when this book first went to press, the general consensus was that Scotch Bonnet was just another name for Habanero... A trip to Antigua to visit with Dr. Brian Cooper, chief agronomist with Caribbean Agricultural and Development Institute (CARDI) was well worth the effort, for he convinced me that they are two distinct cultivars."
C. Chinense "Scotch Bonnet Red" |
Nuput. / Buttons, |
C. Chinense "Scotch Bonnet Red" that is red Scotch Bonnet version of habaneros is starting to produce buttons so that it manages to produces this year. I have grown this from seed as generally. Seeds are Fataliis. At here South, Helsinki, harvest season is ofcourse quite long and continues easily to 10th or even to 11th month, so pretty easily too. This "habanero" is one of the most waited for to this summer. I would like to say that most expected habaneros but quistion wether Scotch Bonnet is habanero at all is still argued in some places of the world. Scotch bonnet is a certain surface form, but I do not believe it makes a habanero to "non-habanero". Scotch Bonnet are usually conserned to be little more mild than the corresponding common habanero. Scotch Bonnet Red has been very, very slow growing. Othervicely, Scotch Bonnet Red has been pretty modest in the needs of light, warmth or water when we compare it to other chinenses that I have had. Even the seedlings of the plant were easily growing. Scotch Bonnet Red is a chili that suits to any habaneros friends food table and maybe even to those food table who want to enjoy the taste of habanero but not of their fierce burning heat that usually involves them. On the question wether Scotch Bonnet is a habanero:
Peppers: The Domesticated Capsicums, New Edition, 1995, by Jean Andrews, page 131:
"In 1983 when this book first went to press, the general consensus was that Scotch Bonnet was just another name for Habanero... A trip to Antigua to visit with Dr. Brian Cooper, chief agronomist with Caribbean Agricultural and Development Institute (CARDI) was well worth the effort, for he convinced me that they are two distinct cultivars."
Peppers: The Domesticated Capsicums, New Edition, 1995, by Jean Andrews, page 131:
"In 1983 when this book first went to press, the general consensus was that Scotch Bonnet was just another name for Habanero... A trip to Antigua to visit with Dr. Brian Cooper, chief agronomist with Caribbean Agricultural and Development Institute (CARDI) was well worth the effort, for he convinced me that they are two distinct cultivars."
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